Now it turns out the content of those emails was "speculation" by Gazzetta dello Sport writer Pino Allievi. I have searched for the article on the online edition but I cannot find the original text but in an interview with the AP, Allievi claims "I made a free interpretation of what might have been said in the e-mail."
Whether the UK press who, perhaps self-servingly, picked up the story misunderstood the tone of the article or not, Signor Allievi should have known better than to toss an unsubstantiated fiction bomb into a highly flammable situation "..in order to make the article more credible". Oh the irony, poof goes the Gazzetta's credibility.
Of course certain media outlets had a field day blaming Alonso for being a "rat" along with his buddy Pedro.....the two Spanish meanies keeping data away from poor Lewis Hamilton... One even pointed to the absence of these imaginary emails from Hamilton's computer as proof of this plot...
(Pino Allievi is next to Jean Alesi in the above photo. No, not the one with the skirt.)