Axis KIMI tribute shirt.
How can you not love Kimi? How can you not love sleeping, ice cream and racing?
100% cotton T in black with gold lettering in sizes S to XXL. Some sizes might not be available at the time of order but can be produced in about a week.
$25+ 4 shipping per shirt in the USA. Overseas orders please email to check exact shipping price (Europe is about $10)
Paypal to: acairone@mac.com PLEASE include Size and your mailing address with the order.
Any questions: ac@axisofoversteer.com
Axis GT3 Challenge T's
The t-shirts are celebrating this year's IMSA GT3 Challenge campaign and feature a profound speed tip by ALMS racer and driver coach Spencer Pumpelly. "Turn in early with big speed" not only is it great advice for your lap times but it's the perfect thing to terrify any instructosaurus at your next track day!
The t-shirts itself is very soft 100% cotton and with a vintage feel as comfortable as going full throttle up the "esses" at the Glen with sticker tires and fresh brake pads.
The only size available for now is Large but the good news is that you get a choice of colors!
The light blue is meant as a nod to the classic GULF livery and the dark shirt's color was "asphalt gray"...an obvious choice!

$25.00 plus $4 shopping per shirt, payment via Paypal to acairone@mac.com.

There are two stickers, the small one is printed on transparent vinyl and is 3.75"/9.5cm, it is the perfect size for your back window or the back of your smartphone! Available with black or white lettering
$ 5.00 plus shipping Sold Out

The larger sticker is 6"/15.2cm and die cut with backing tape. a pro sticker like we have on our race and track cars.
Black or white lettering $10.00 plus shipping Sold Out.
2 small + 2 large = $25.00 plus $3 Shipping in US/$3.50 world
E-MAIL for orders and info.